Ha Giang to Sapa Vietnam: Transport Guide

If you’re planning a trip from Ha Giang to Sapa, you’ve come to the right place! I recently made this journey, and I’m happy to share my experience and some useful tips with you.

Sapa is a beautiful town in the northwest of Vietnam, with stunning mountain views and unique culture. Getting there from Ha Giang is quite easy, and you have a few travel options to choose from.

In this travel guide, you’ll find useful information about traveling from Ha Giang to Sapa by bus, including timetable, ticket prices, and tips.

Ha Giang to Sapa: Overview

The distance between Ha Giang and Sapa is about 253 km (157 miles), and you can easily travel between the two cities by bus, motorbike, or car.

Bus6 hours$11 (€11)Check tickets
Motorbike8 hours
Travel options from Ha Giang to Sapa.
Trekking Sapa is one of the best things to do in Vietnam.

Ha Giang to Sapa bus

If you’re looking for a comfortable way to travel, taking a bus is your best bet. The journey takes around 6 hours, and you can catch one of the buses that run daily between Ha Giang and Sapa.

The ticket prices start at $11 (€11), and you should book your tickets online to secure your seat. I traveled with Techbus and found their service to be reliable and comfortable.

Make sure you arrive at the departure station at least 30 minutes before your scheduled departure to complete the check-in procedures.

There may be toilet and food breaks on the way, so don’t worry about getting hungry or needing to use the restroom.

Bus info
Journey time6 hours
Price$12 (€12)
Distance253 km (157 miles)
Frequency20+ buses per day
First bus6:30 am
Last bus8 pm
Departure stationHa Giang
Arrival stationSapa
OperatorsSapa Ethnic, Techbus, Grouptour
Bus information from Ha Giang to Sapa.
Sapa Ethnic06:3012:30Check tickets
Tbus08:0013:30Check tickets
Tbus9:1515:14Check tickets
Grouptour15:3021:30Check tickets
Tbus20:0001:30Check tickets
Bus schedule from Ha Giang to Sapa. You can check more bus schedules here

How long is the bus from Ha Giang to Sapa?

The bus to Sapa takes about 6 hours. Please note that the travel time could be slightly longer due to traffic time. There may be a toilet and food breaks on the way.

How much is the bus ticket from Ha Giang to Sapa?

The bus ticket costs from $11 (€11). Please note that prices may change on weekends and national holidays.

Where are the departure and arrival stations?

Depending on your bus choices, the locations for departure and arrival are different. Please check the location carefully when booking and make sure you’re there 30 minutes before departure.

When is the first and last bus departing from Ha Giang?

The first bus departs at 6:30 am, while the last leaves at 8 pm. For the latest schedule, please check here.

Ha Giang to Sapa motorbike

If you’re looking for a more adventurous way to travel, you can rent a motorbike and ride from Ha Giang to Sapa. However, be warned that the road is quite challenging and can be tiring.

The route has steep passes and cliffs, and the weather can be unpredictable, with rain, fog, and even landslides being a possibility. It takes around 8 hours to complete the journey by motorbike, so make sure you’re prepared for a long and potentially difficult ride.

Route: Depart from Ha Giang City, take National Highway 2 to Viet Quang Town, and turn to National Highway 279. When you’re in Bao Yen, continue on National Highway 70 then go straight to Lao Cai then to Sapa.

Final thoughts

Sapa is a great addition to your Vietnam trip. Taking the bus from Ha Giang to Sapa is a convenient way to travel, and you’ll get to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. Just make sure you book your tickets in advance and arrive at the bus station on time. Have a great trip!

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