Da Lat to Nha Trang Vietnam: Transport Guide

With the majestic Khanh Le pass, Da Lat to Nha Trang is indeed one of the most beautiful drives in Vietnam.

In this transportation guide, you’ll find useful information about traveling from Da Lat to Nha Trang by bus, car, and motorbike, including timetable, ticket prices, and tips.

Khanh Le pass Da Lat Vietnam.

Da Lat to Nha Trang: Overview

The distance between Da Lat and Nha Trang is about 140 km (87 miles), and you can easily travel between the two cities by bus, taxi, or personal vehicle (car/ motorbike).

If you travel on a budget, it’s better to take a bus to Nha Trang as the ticket costs about $8. A taxi ride is more expensive – expect to pay about $75 for your trip.

If you’re adventurous, driving to Nha Trang by motorbike is a fantastic experience. You’ll enjoy the majestic landscape with winding passes and beautiful nature.

Bus4 hours$9 (€8)Check tickets
Taxi3 hours$40 (€38)Check taxi
Travel options from Da Lat to Nha Trang.

Da Lat to Nha Trang bus

Traveling by bus is a great option to get from Nha Trang.

FUTA offers frequent buses from Da Lat to Nha Trang, which take about 4 hours. The ticket price starts at $9 (€8).

Please come at least 30 minutes before departure for check-in procedures.

Bus info
Journey time4 hours
Price$9 (€8)
Distance140 km (87 miles)
Frequency79 buses per day
First bus6:30 am
Last bus5:30 pm
Departure stationDa Lat bus station
Arrival stationSouthern bus station
OperatorsPhuong Trang (FUTA), Techbus
Bus information from Da Lat to Nha Trang.
Techbus06:5010:50Check tickets
FUTA07:3011:30Check tickets
Techbus08:2011:50Check tickets
FUTA08:3012:30Check tickets
Techbus10:0016:00Check tickets
FUTA11:0015:00Check tickets
FUTA12:0016:00Check tickets
FUTA16:3020:30Check tickets
Bus schedule from Da Lat to Nha Trang. You can check more bus schedules here

How long is the bus from Da Lat to Nha Trang?

The bus to Nha Trang takes about 4 hours. Please arrive at the bus station at least 30 minutes before the departure time.

How much is the bus ticket from Da Lat to Nha Trang?

The bus ticket to Nha Trang costs about $9 (€8). Please note that prices may change on weekends and national holidays.

Where are the departure and arrival stations?

Buses leave Da Lat bus station and arrive at Nha Trang Southern bus station.

When is the first and last bus depart from Da Lat?

The first bus departs at 6:30 am, while the last leaves at 17:30 pm. For the latest schedule, please check here.

Da Lat to Nha Trang bike

There are currently two main routes to travel from Da Lat to Nha Trang and vice versa. Those are QL27C (134 km) and QL27B (179 km). Each path has its advantages and disadvantages.

The trip takes about 3 to 4 hours by car or motorbike.

By Highway 27C

Highway 27C is one of the most romantic routes in Vietnam. It’s about 134 kilometers, and the travel time is about 3 hours and 30 minutes.

Starting from the center of Da Lat city, you follow Highway 27C to reach Nha Trang.

This route is dangerous with many sharp turns, high cliffs, and deep abysses, so driving is not easy. However, the scenery is breathtaking. I highly travel slowly and enjoy the beautiful view along the way.

Da Lat to Nha Trang Vietnam.
Although this road is not easy to go, you can see the beautiful scenery on both sides, especially in the season of wild sunflowers or canola flowers.

On this route, you’ll pass Bidoup Nui Ba National Park with the most diverse biological resources in Vietnam, and the majestic Khanh Le Pass, the second longest pass in Vietnam. This pass is 33 km long and 1700 m above sea level.

By Highway 27B

You can also take National Highway 27B, which is about 40 km farther than National Highway 27C but safer.

The second route takes you to Nha Trang along National Highway 27 and National Highway 1.

The route is as follows: Da Lat – National Highway 1- Thap Cham Phan Rang – National Highway 27- Ngoan Muc Pass – Don Duong District – National Highway 27B – National Highway 1A – Nha Trang city.

Khanh Le pass Vietnam.

Driving tips

You should pay attention to the steering wheel and go at the right speed. Also, avoid traveling after 7 pm because it gets foggy, and you can barely see anything.

Also, if you travel in the rainy season through the pass, you will likely encounter landslides, and the road is quite slippery. So you should drive slowly and pay attention to safety. Check the weather podcast before traveling.

If you plan to return to Da Lat on the same day, you should start at 3 pm because the way back will be steep and foggy.

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