Ninh Binh to Da Nang Vietnam: Transport Guide

In this transportation guide, you’ll find useful information about traveling from Ninh Binh to Da Nang by train and bus, including timetable, ticket prices, and tips.

Ninh Binh to Da Nang: Overview

The distance between Ninh Binh and Da Nang is about 680 km (422.5 miles), and you can easily travel between the two cities by train and bus.

Traveling by train is the most comfortable to travel to Da Nang.

Trainhours$22 (€21)Check tickets
Bushours$19 (€18)Check tickets
Travel options from Ninh Binh to Da Nang.

Ninh Binh to Da Nang train

Traveling by train is a great option to get to Da Nang.

Vietnam Railways offers daily trains from Ninh Binh to Da Nang, taking about 13 to 14 hours, depending on the train.

You can select 2nd class AC seat, 2nd class sleeper (6-cabin), and 1st class sleeper (4-cabin).

Train info
Journey time13 hours
PriceFrom $22 (€21)
Distance680 km (423 miles)
Frequencytrains per day
First train8:29 am
Last train11:28 pm
Departure stationNinh Binh station
Arrival stationDa Nang station
ChangesDirect trains available
OperatorsVietnam Railways
Train information from Ninh Binh to Da Nang.
Vietnam Railways08:2923:13Check tickets
Vietnam Railways17:4908:26Check tickets
Vietnam Railways21:3411:25Check tickets
Vietnam Railways23:2813:41Check tickets
Train schedule from Ninh Binh to Da Nang. You can check more train schedules here

How long is the train from Ninh Binh to Da Nang?

The train to Da Nang takes 13 to 14 hours, depending on the train. Please note that the schedule may change due to weather or unforeseen situations. You should be at the train station at least 30 minutes before departure.

How much is the train ticket from Ninh Binh to Da Nang?

The train ticket to Da Nang costs from $22 (€21). You should book your tickets in advance to secure the best seat and prices.

Where are the departure and arrival stations?

All trains depart from Ninh Binh train station (1 Ngõ 41 Hoàng Hoa Thám, Nam Bình, Tp. Ninh Bình, Ninh Bình) and arrive at Da Nang train station (791 Hải Phòng, Tam Thuận, Thanh Khê, Đà Nẵng).

When is the first and last train departing from Ninh Binh?

The first train leaves the station at 8:29 am, and the last one departs at 23:28 pm. For the latest schedule, please check here.

Ninh Binh to Da Nang bus

Traveling by bus is another option from Ninh Binh to Da Nang. The journey takes about 16 hours, and the ticket price starts at $19 (€18).

Please come at least 30 minutes before departure for check-in procedures.

Bus info
Journey time14 hours
Price$22 (€22)
Distance680 km (423 miles)
Frequency67 bus per day
Departure stationNinh Binh
Arrival stationDa Nang
OperatorsGrouptour, Duc Duong,…
Bus information from Ninh Binh to Da Nang.
Grouptour19:459:55Check tickets
Duc Duong19:0010:00Check tickets
Bus schedule from Ninh Binh to Da Nang. You can check more bus schedules here. 

How long is the bus from Ninh Binh to Da Nang?

The bus to Da Nang takes about 14 hours. Please note that the travel time could be slightly longer due to traffic time. There may be a toilet and food breaks on the way.

How much is the bus ticket from Ninh Binh to Da Nang?

The bus ticket to Da Nang costs about $19 (€18). Please note that prices may change on weekends and national holidays.

Where are the departure and arrival stations?

Buses leave from Ninh Binh and arrive at Da Nang.

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