Da Lat to Da Nang Vietnam: Transport Guide

With beautiful beaches and vibrant life, Da Nang is an excellent destination after your trip to Da Lat.

In this transportation guide, you’ll find useful information about traveling from Da Lat to Da Nang by flight and bus, including timetable, ticket prices, and tips.

Da Lat to Da Nang Overview

The distance between Da Lat and Da Nang is about 655 km (407 miles), and you can travel between the two cities easily by flight, bus, and car.

Flying is the fastest and best way to get to Da Nang. However, if you travel on a budget, it’s better to take a bus as the ticket costs about $15.

Flight1 hour 5 mins$28.22 (€26.64)Check tickets
Bus14 hours$17 (€15.77)Check tickets
Travel options from Da Lat to Da Nang.

Travel tips

Da Lat to Da Nang flight

Flying is the fastest way to travel to Da Nang. 

Vietnam Airlines and VietJet offer direct flights from Da Lat to Da Nang. The journey takes about 1 hour and 05 minutes, and tickets start at $60 (€60). 

Airplanes frequently depart from Lien Khuong airport and arrive at Da Nang international airport.

I usually use Skyscanner and 12go to find cheap flights and get the best deals.

Flight info
Journey time1 hour 05 mins
PriceFrom $28.22 (€26.64)
Distance655 km (407 miles)
Frequency2 flights per day
First flight9:45 am
Last flight7:00 pm
DepartureLien Khuong airport
ArrivalDa Nang international airport
ChangesDirect flights available
OperatorsVietnam Airlines, VietJet
Flight information from Da Lat to Da Nang.
Vietjet19:0020:05Check tickets
Vietnam Airlines9:5511:00Check tickets
Flight schedule from Da Lat to Da Nang. You can check more schedules here

How long is the flight from Da Lat to Da Nang?

The flight from Da Lat to Da Nang takes about 1 hour and 05 minutes. Please note that the flight time depends on many factors, such as weather conditions and the airline you choose. You also should factor in the time needed to get to Lien Khuong airport (30 mins from Da Lat city center).

How much is the flight ticket from Da Lat to Da Nang?

The flight tickets from Da Lat to Da Nang are from $28.22 to $70. If you book flight tickets in advance, you can get better deals.

Where are the departure and arrival airports?

Planes frequently depart from Lien Khuong airport and arrive at Da Nang International Airport.

When is the first and last flight depart?

The first flight departs at 9:45 am, and the last flight leaves the airport at 7:00 pm.

Da Lat to Da Nang bus

Taking a bus to Da Nang is a cheaper option compared to flying.

FUTA offers daily buses from Da Lat to Da Nang, taking about 14 hours. It’s a sleeper bus, so it’s comfortable despite a long journey.

Please check my Vietnam sleeper bus for more tips.

Bus info
Journey time14 hours
Price$17 (€15.77)
Distance655 km (407 miles)
Frequency4 buses per day
First bus2 pm
Last bus6 pm
Departure stationDa Lat Interprovince station
Arrival stationDa Nang Central Bus station
Bus information from Da Lat to Da Nang.
Futa14:004:00Check tickets
Futa15:005:00Check tickets
Futa17:007:00Check tickets
Futa18:008:00Check tickets
Bus schedule from Da Lat to Da Nang. You can check more bus schedules here

How long is the bus from Da Lat to Da Nang?

The bus journey takes about 14 hours. There will be breaks for toilet stops and food stops along the way.

How much is the bus ticket from Da Lat to Da Nang?

The bus ticket from Da Lat to Da Nang costs about $17 (€15.77). Please note that prices may change on weekends and national holidays.

Where are the departure and arrival stations?

Most buses depart from Da Lat Interprovince Bus Station (01 To Hien Thanh, Da Lat) and arrive at Da Nang Central Bus Station (201-203 Ton Duc Thang, Lien Chieu District, Da Nang).
You should arrive at the departure station at least 30 to 60 minutes before the schedule.

When is the first and last bus departing from Da Lat?

The first bus departs at 2 pm, and the last leaves the station at 6 pm.

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