Nha Trang to Da Nang Vietnam: Transport Guide

Da Nang is an excellent destination after your trip to Nha Trang.

In this transportation guide, you’ll find useful information about traveling from Nha Trang to Da Nang by flight, train, and bus, including timetable, ticket prices, and tips.

Nha Trang to Da Nang: Overview

The distance between Nha Trang and Da Nang is about 529 km (328 miles) by land and 450 km (280 miles) by air. You can easily travel between the two cities by flight, train, bus, and car.

Flying is the fastest way to get to Da Nang, and tickets start from $45 (€45). You can get the best prices if you book in advance.

If you travel on a budget, it’s better to take a train or bus to Nha Trang. While the bus is cheaper, traveling by train is more comfortable.

Flight1 hour 5 mins$45 (€45)Check tickets
Train10 hours$18 (€17)Check tickets
Bus10 hours 30 mins$15 (€15)Check tickets
Travel options from Nha Trang to Da Nang.

Nha Trang to Da Nang flight

Flying is a popular choice thanks to its short travel time, convenience, and comfort.

Currently, Vietnam Airlines and Vietjet offer frequent flights from Nha Trang to Da Nang, which take about 1 hour and 5 minutes. 

Planes frequently depart from Cam Ranh airport and Da Nang airport.

Don’t forget to book an airport transfer for Nha Trang to Cam Ranh airport in advance for your convenience. Check more car options here.

On the other hand, Da Nang international airport is quite close to the city center (5.5 km), so it is very convenient to travel between them.

I usually use Skyscanner and 12go to find cheap flights and get the best deals.

Flight info
Journey time1 hour and 5 mins
PriceFrom $45 (€45)
Distance450 km (280 miles)
Frequency3 flights per day
First flight9:05 am
Last flight10:00 pm
DepartureCam Ranh airport
ArrivalDa Nang airport
ChangesDirect flights available
OperatorsVietnam Airlines, Vietjet
Flight information from Nha Trang to Da Nang.
Vietnam Airlines09:0510:20Check tickets
Vietnam Airlines20:408:30Check tickets
Flight schedule from Nha Trang to Da Nang. You can check more schedules here

How long is the flight from Nha Trang to Da Nang?

The flight takes about 1 hour and 5 minutes. Airlines’ flight time also differs from 5 to 10 minutes. Please note that the flight time depends on many factors such as weather conditions and the airline you choose.

How much is the flight ticket from Nha Trang to Da Nang?

The flight tickets start at $45 (€45). If you book flight tickets in advance, you can get better deals.

Where are the departure and arrival airports?

Planes frequently depart from Cam Ranh International Airport (Nguyễn Tất Thành, Cam Hải Đông, Tp. Cam Ranh, Khánh Hòa) and arrive at Da Nang International Airport (Duy Tân, phường Hòa Thuận Tây, quận Hải Châu, Đà Nẵng.).

When is the first and last flight depart from Nha Trang?

The first flight departs at 9:05 am, and the last flight leaves the airport at 10 pm. However, the schedule may change depending on the day and weather. You can check the latest schedules here.

Nha Trang to Da Nang train

Taking a train is an excellent option as it’s comfortable and you can enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Vietnam Railways offers daily trains from Nha Trang to Da Nang, and the journey takes 9 to 11 hours and 40 minutes, depending on the train.

You can choose hard seats, soft seats, and sleeper 4-berth or 6-berth. Ticket prices start from $21 (€21).

Train info
Journey time10 hours
PriceFrom $18 (€17)
Distance529 km (328 miles)
Frequency5 trains per day
First train00:00 am
Last train6:29 pm
Departure stationNha Trang station
Arrival stationDa Nang station
ChangesDirect trains available
OperatorsVietnam Railways
Train information from Nha Trang to Da Nang.
Vietnam Railways00:0010:20Check tickets
Vietnam Railways02:4112:38Check tickets
Vietnam Railways04:3214:51Check tickets
Vietnam Railways14:1200:41Check tickets
Vietnam Railways18:2906:00Check tickets
Train schedule from Nha Trang to Da Nang. You can check more train schedules here

How long is the train from Nha Trang to Da Nang?

It takes about 10 to 11 hours and 30 minutes to reach Nha Trang, depending on the train. You should be at the train station at least 30 minutes before departure.

How much is the train ticket from Nha Trang to Da Nang?

Train ticket prices start from $18 (€17), depending on your seat selection. Please book your train tickets early to secure your seat.

Where are the departure and arrival stations?

Trains depart from Nha Trang train station (17 Thái Nguyên, Phước Tân, Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa) and arrive at Da Nang train station (791 Hải Phòng, Tam Thuận, Thanh Khê, Đà Nẵng). Both train stations are conveniently located in the city center, so you can easily get there by taxi or Grab car.

When is the first and last train depart from Nha Trang?

The first train departs at 00:00 am, and the last one leaves at 8:29 pm. I recommend taking the night train so you can sleep on the train and arrive in Nha Trang in the early morning.

Nha Trang to Da Nang bus

Taking a bus is the cheapest option to Da Nang.

Quang Hanh, Ha Linh, and Lien Hung offer daily sleeper buses from Nha Trang to Da Nang, taking about 10 hours and 30 minutes to 11 hours depending on the bus.

Please check my Vietnam sleeper bus for more tips.

Bus info
Journey time10.5 hours
Price$15 (€15)
Distance529 km (328 miles)
Frequency46 buses per day
First bus06:00 pm
Last bus9:30 pm
Departure stationNha Trang southern station
Arrival stationDa Nang central station
OperatorsLien Hung, Techbus
Bus information from Nha Trang to Da Nang.
Lien Hung18:1505:45Check tickets
Techbus18:4505:15Check tickets
Lien Hung21:1508:00Check tickets
Bus schedule from Nha Trang to Da Nang. You can check more bus schedules here

How long is the bus from Nha Trang to Da Nang?

It takes about 10 hours and 30 minutes to 11 hours to get to Nha Trang by bus. You should be at the bus station at least 30 minutes to 1 hour before departure.

How much is the bus ticket from Nha Trang to Da Nang?

For this route, bus tickets start at $15 (€15), depending on the bus providers. You should book your tickets in advance to ensure your seat.

Where are the departure and arrival stations?

Most buses leave from Da Nang central bus station (201 Tôn Đức Thắng, Hoà Minh, Liên Chiểu, Đà Nẵng) and arrive at Nha Trang Southern bus station (Vĩnh Trung, Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa). Some buses also have different pick-up and drop-off locations, so please check the information carefully before booking. Usually, I prefer the bus station.

When is the first and last bus depart from Nha Trang?

The first bus departs from Nha Trang at 6:00 pm, and the last bus leaves at 9:30 pm. You’ll arrive in Da Nang the following day.

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