Chiang Mai to Pai: Transport Guide

With beautiful nature, Pai is a perfect destination to visit after your trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand.

In this travel guide, you’ll find useful information about traveling from Chiang Mai to Pai, including timetable, ticket prices, and booking tips.

Getting from Chiang Mai to Pai

The distance between Chiang Mai and Pai is about 140 km (88 miles), and you can easily travel between the two cities by bus and taxi. At the moment, there is no direct flight or train to Pai.

The travel duration is about 4 to 4.5 hours, depending on your choice of transport. If you’re in a hurry, I suggest taking a taxi as it just takes 3 hours and 50 minutes to get to Pai.

Bus4h20m$6 (€6)Check bus
Taxi3h50m$119 (€109)Check taxi
Tour1 day$112 (€100)Check tour
Travel options from Chiang Mai to Pai.

Pai travel tips

Chiang Mai to Pai bus

The cheapest way to get from Chiang Mai to Pai is by bus, taking about 4 hours and 20 minutes.

Prem Pracha offers several buses to Pai. The earliest bus leaves the station at 6:30 am, while the latest one departs at 5:30 pm.

You can easily book your bus tickets to Pai online. You only need to fill in the date and select your travel time. After payment, you’ll receive the confirmation by email.

Bus info
Journey time4h20m
Price$6 (€6)
Distance140 km (88 miles)
Frequency22 buses per day
First bus6:30 am
Last bus5:30 pm
Departure stationChiang Mai Arcade 2
Arrival stationPai
OperatorsPrem Pracha
Bus information from Chiang Mai to Pai.
Prem Pracha6:3010:50Book from $6
Prem Pracha7:3011:50Book from $6
Prem Pracha08:3012:50Book from $6
Prem Pracha09:3013:50Book from $6
Prem Pracha10:3014:50Book from $6
Prem Pracha15:3019:50Book from $6
Prem Pracha16:3020:50Book from $6
Buses schedule from Chiang Mai to Pai. For the latest schedule, please check here

How long is the bus from Chiang Mai to Pai?

Prem Pracha (เปรมประชาขนส่ง) offers several buses daily from Chiang Mai to Pai, and the journey is about 4 hours 20 minutes. However, the time may vary depending on specific dates or traveling on weekends and holidays.

How much is the bus ticket from Chiang Mai to Pai?

The bus ticket to Pai costs $6 (€6). It’s the cheapest option.

What are the bus departure and arrival stations?

The departure station in Chiang Mai is Chiang Mai Arcade 2, and the one in Pai is Chai Songkhram Rd (near Pai walking street).
Please arrive at the departure point at least 30 minutes before the departure.

How many bus services are there?

The average number of buses departing Chiang Mai for Pai is 22 per day. The bus schedules and services may vary between weekdays and weekends.

Chiang Mai to Pai taxi

Taking a taxi is the fastest and most convenient way to travel from Chiang Mai to Pai. You can book a cab and get to Pai at any time at around $119.

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