Colombo to Kandy Sri Lanka: Transport Guide

Home of the Temple of the Tooth Relic, Kandy is an excellent destination to visit after your trip to Colombo.

In this transportation guide, you’ll find useful information about traveling from Colombo to Kandy by train, bus, taxi, and car, including timetable, ticket prices, and tips.

Colombo to Kandy: Overview

The distance between Colombo and Kandy is about 123 km (76.4 miles), and you can easily travel between the two cities by train, bus, car, and tuk-tuk.

Taking a train is the most common way to get to Kandy. You can also rent a car or a tuk-tuk to explore this beautiful country.

Train2.5 hours$13 (€13)Check tickets
Bus4 hours
Taxi2.5 hours$55 (€55)Check taxi
Car2.5 hoursCheck options
Tour12 hours$81 (€81)Check availability
Travel options from Colombo to Kandy.

Colombo to Kandy train

Traveling by train from Colombo to Kandy is one of the most amazing experiences in Sri Lanka.

The train offers beautiful views of the Central Highland. Also, the tickets are affordable, even if you book the first class.

Sri Lanka Railway offers daily trains to Kandy, taking about 2.5 to 3.5 hours.

I recommend booking Reserved seats on 3rd/ 2nd Class or First Class seats to guarantee that you have a seat. Also, book the seats in advance because they run out fast.

Train info
Journey time2.5 hours
PriceFrom 123 km (76.4 miles)
Distance123 km (76.4 miles)
Frequencytrains per day
First train5:55 am
Last train7:30 pm
Departure stationColombo Fort
Arrival stationKandy
ChangesDirect trains available
OperatorsSri Lanka Railway
Train information from Colombo to Kandy.
Sri Lanka Railway07:0509:30Check tickets
Sri Lanka Railway08:3011:00Check tickets
Sri Lanka Railway09:4512:25Check tickets
Sri Lanka Railway10:3513:52Check tickets
Sri Lanka Railway12:3016:00Check tickets
Train schedule from Colombo to Kandy. You can check more train schedules here. 

How long is the train from Colombo to Kandy?

The train to Kandy takes 2.5 to 3.5 hours, depending on the train. Please note that the schedule may change due to weather or unforeseen situations. You should be at the train station at least 30 minutes before departure.

How much is the train ticket from Colombo to Kandy?

The train ticket to Kandy costs from $13 (€13). You should book your tickets in advance to secure the best seat and prices.

Where are the departure and arrival stations?

All trains depart from Colombo Fort station and arrive at Kandy station. Both stations are in the city center, so you can get around easily by tuk-tuks or cars.

When is the first and last train departing from Colombo?

The first train leaves the station at 5:55 am, and the last departs at 7:30 pm. For the latest schedule, please check here.

Colombo to Kandy bus

Traveling by bus is another option to get to Kandy.

The journey takes about 4 hours, and you can catch the bus at Fort station. Buses will have the sign “Kandy” on the front.

bus travel in sri lanka.

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