Berlin to Prague: Transport Guide

With beautiful castles, towers, and romantic bridges, Prague is a perfect destination to visit after your trip to Berlin.

In this travel guide, you’ll find useful information about traveling from Berlin to Prague, including timetable, ticket prices, and booking tips.

Getting from Berlin to Prague

The distance between Prague and Berlin is about 281 km (175 miles), and you can easily travel between the two cities by train and bus.

The travel duration is about 4 to 4.5 hours, depending on your choice of transport.

The cheapest way to travel to Prague is by train. At the moment, there’s no direct flight from Berlin to Prague.

Train4h20m$28 (€23)Check train tickets
Bus4h30m$22 (€18)Check bus tickets
Travel options from Berlin to Prague.

Travel tips

Berlin to Prague train

Taking a train from Berlin to Prague is a comfortable and convenient option. Deutsche Bahn (DB) offers several trains from Berlin to Prague, and the journey takes about 4 hours and 20 minutes.

Train info
Journey time4h20m
PriceFrom $28 (€23)
Distance175 miles (281 km)
Frequency12 trains per day
First train6:17 am
Last train8:40 pm
Departure stationBerlin Hbf
Arrival stationPrague Hl.n.
ChangesDirect trains available
OperatorsDeutsche Bahn
Train information from Berlin to Prague.
DB4:57 am9:48 amBook tickets
DB7:16 am11:35 amBook tickets
DB9:16 am1:35 pmBook tickets
DB11:16 am3:35 pmBook tickets
DB1:16 pm5:35 pmBook tickets
DB3:16 pm7:35 pmBook tickets
DB5:16 pm9:35 pmBook tickets
Train schedule from Berlin to Prague. For the latest schedule, please check here

How long is the train from Berlin to Prague?

Deutsche Bahn (DB) offers several trains to Prague per day, taking about 4 hours and 20 minutes.
The fastest train will take you to Prague in 4 hours 05 minutes.
If you travel at night, you can consider taking a sleeper train in the evening, which takes about 9.5 to 12 hours.

How much is the train ticket from Berlin to Prague?

If you book in advance, train ticket prices from Berlin to Prague start from $28 (€23). The train prices change depending on the dates and routes and are usually very high if you book on the same day.

Where are the train departure and arrival stations?

All trains leave Berlin station (Berlin Hauptbahnhof) and arrive at Prague Station, conveniently located in the city center.
From Prague Station, you can easily visit the city’s famous landmarks such as Prague Castle or Old town square.

How to get to the train station from Berlin?

To reach Berlin Hauptbahnhof, you can take Berlin S-Bahn from Alexanderplatz or the Berlin Zoo Station. You can also take buses, trams, and taxis to the train station.

When is the first and last train depart from Berlin to Prague?

The first train leaves the station at 4:57 am, while the last train departs at 10:29 pm. However, train schedules may change between weekdays and weekends. Please check the latest schedule here

berlin to prague train station.
Prague train station.

Berlin to Prague bus

Taking a bus from Berlin to Prague is a cost-effective way to travel between two cities. Several buses depart from Berlin, taking about 4.5 hours to reach Prague.

Bus info
Journey time4h30m
Price$22 (€18)
Distance175 miles (281 km)
Frequency40+ buses per day
First bus12:15 am
Last bus11:59 pm
Departure stationBerlin’s Zentraler Omnibusbahnhof (ZOB)
Arrival stationPrague’s UAN Florenc
OperatorsFlixbus, Regiojet, Eurolines
Bus information from Berlin to Prague.
Flixbus7 am11:40 amBook tickets
Eurolines2:15 pm8:25 pmBook tickets
Racic2:15 pm8:30 pmBook tickets
Bus schedule from Berlin to Prague. Check more buses here

How long is the bus from Berlin to Prague?

Flixbus, Regiojet, and Eurolines offer daily buses to Prague, and the journey takes about 4 hours 30 minutes to 5 hours. Please note that the bus travel depends on specific dates or weekends and holidays.
The fastest buses by FlixBus arrive in Prague in 4 hours and 30 minutes.

How much does the bus to Prague cost?

The bus ticket price starts at $22 (€18). However, prices can vary depending on the time of day and are usually more expensive if you book on the day.

Where are the bus departure and arrival stations?

Buses traveling from Berlin to Prague depart from Berlin’s Zentraler Omnibus Bahnhof (ZOB) and arrive at Prague’s UAN Florenc bus station.

When is the first and last bus depart from Berlin to Prague?

The earliest bus departs from Berlin at 12:15 am, while the latest one leaves the station at 11:59 pm. Please note that the schedule may change depending on the date. You can check the latest schedule here

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