Phu Quoc Sim Wine: An Island’s Specialty

While Dalat is famous for the sweet and aromatic flavor of grape wine, Phu Quoc offers its special local sim wine made from local fruit.

What is Sim wine

Sim wine is made from the local fruit called Sim or Rose Myrtle. Sim tree lives in many parts of the world, such as the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and tropical regions in Asia.

People pick up the riped sim at the harvest season, wash them, and mix them with granulated sugar in a certain proportion in the anaerobic environment from 9 months to 24 months.

After the product is fully fermented, it has a pink color and has a sweet and sour taste with a concentration of about 10 degrees.

Phu Quoc sim wine garden
Sim flower

Visit Phu Quoc Sim wine factory

There are a few factories in Phu Quoc where you can buy sim wine and visit the sim garden.

  • Bay Gao sim wine: Duong To town
  • Sim Son: Tran Hung Dao, Cua Lap, Duong To
  • Thanh Long: Suoi Da, Duong To (on the way to Ham Ninh pier)
sim wine factory

Our experience at Bay Gao sim wine factory

We visited the Bay Gao sim wine factory and had a pleasant experience. The staff let us explore the sim garden and then showed us where they made the wine.

Phu Quoc sim wine flower

She explained step-by-step the ingredients, how sim wine was made, and how long it took. Apparently, the garden we had visited was small, and they bought sims from locals to make the wine.

Phu Quoc sim wine Vietnam

After the visit, we went to the shop and enjoyed the wine tasting. There was a variety of products, with wine ranging from 10% – 29%.

Depending on the alcohol’s percentage, the price per bottle is 150,000 VND to 250,000 VND.

Phu Quoc sim wine Vietnam
Sime wine is a combination of forest sim fruit and white sugar, glutinous rice wine with an incubation period of 12 to 18 months.

The benefit of Phu Quoc sim wine

  • Against some agents of aging
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Reduce aches and pains
  • Stimulates digestion
  • Reduce the process of atherosclerosis
Phu Quoc sim wine Vietnam

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