Prague to Vienna: Transport Guide

If you love classical music, Vienna is an excellent destination to visit after your trip to Prague

In this travel guide, you’ll find useful information about traveling from Prague to Vienna by flight, train, and bus, including timetable, ticket prices, and tips.

Prague to Vienna: Overview

The distance between Prague and Vienna is around 252 kilometers (156 miles), and you can easily travel between the two cities by flight, train, and bus. 

Flying is the fastest way to reach Vienna, at just under 1 hour. Meanwhile, trains and buses take about 4.5 hours to travel. 

Flight55 m$115Check flights tickets
Train4 h 20 m$15Check train tickets
Bus3 h 55 m$28Check bus tickets
Travel options from Prague to Vienna.

Travel tips

Prague to Vienna flight

Flying is undoubtedly the fastest way to travel to Vienna.

Austrian Airlines offers direct flights from Prague to Vienna, taking about 50 minutes. The prices start at $115.

All flights arrive at Vienna airport, 18 km southeast of central Vienna. You can take an ICE from the airport to Vienna’s central station in just 15 minutes.

Austrian7:358:30Check flights tickets
Austrian10:5511:50Check flights tickets
Flights schedule from Prague to Vienna. For the latest schedule and prices, please check here

Prague to Vienna train

If you want to avoid the hustle and bustle of the airport, taking a train from Prague to Vienna is a comfortable option.

Several trains depart from Prague to Vienna, taking about 4 hours 20 minutes.

Train info
Journey timeFrom 4h 20m
PriceFrom $15 (€12)
Distance156 miles (252 km)
Frequency20 trains per day
First train04:19 am
Last train10:41 pm
Departure stationPraha station
Arrival stationWien Hbf station
ChangesDirect trains available
OperatorsRegiojet, ÖBB
Train information from Prague to Vienna.
ÖBB4:19 am8:49 amBook tickets
ÖBB5:09 am9:49 amBook tickets
Regiojet5:38 am10:21 amBook tickets
ÖBB6:09 am10:49 amBook tickets
ÖBB8:09 am12:49 pmBook tickets
Regiojet8:38 am1:21 pmBook tickets
ÖBB9:09 am1:49 pmBook tickets
Train schedule from Prague to Vienna. You can check more train schedules here
Vienna train station Austria.

How long is the train from Prague to Vienna?

There are around 20 trains from Praha to Vienna per day, with the average travel time by train being 4 hours and 58 minutes. Please note that the journey may be longer on the weekend or holidays.
The fast train will get you to Vienna in just 4 hours and 20 minutes, while the slowest one may take up to 8 hours and 16 minutes.

How much is a train ticket from Prague to Vienna?

The best way to find a cheap ticket is to book your ticket in advance. The cheapest ticket from Prague to Vienna is around $15, but the average price is about $33 if you buy it on the same day.

When is the first and last train from Prague to Vienna? 

The first train leaves as early as 6:22 am, and the last one departs at 9:42 pm. There are train services every half an hour or an hour.

Is there a direct train from Prague to Vienna?

There are more than 10 direct trains to Vienna, so you don’t have to change trains on this route.
Railjet and  Regiojet offer services directly from Praha station to Wien Hbf station, taking about 4 hours and 30 minutes.

Where are the train departure and arrival stations?

All trains depart from Praha station and arrive at Wien Hbf station, conveniently located in the city center. 

Prague to Vienna bus

Taking a bus from Prague to Vienna is also a common option.

Flixbus, Arda Tur, Regio Jet, and INFO BUS offer daily services to Vienna. There are about 29 buses from Prague daily, although it may change depending on the day of the week.

Bus info
Journey timeFrom 3h 55m
PriceFrom $13 (€10)
Distance156 miles (252 km)
Frequency29 buses per day
First bus12:01 am
Last bus11:45 pm
Departure stationFlorenc
Arrival stationErdberg, Stadion Center, Airport (VIE)
OperatorsFlixbus, INFO BUS
Bus information from Prague to Vienna.
INFO BUS6:12 am10:49 amBook tickets
Flixbus7:40 am12:00 pmBook tickets
INFO BUS8:12 am12:49 pmBook tickets
Flixbus8:50 am1:25 pmBook tickets
Flixbus9:50 am2:15 pmBook tickets
Flixbus11:55 am4:25 pmBook tickets
Flixbus5:50 pm10:05 pmBook tickets
Bus schedule from Prague to Vienna. You can check the latest schedule here

How long is the bus from Prague to Vienna?

The average travel time is 4 hours 20 minutes. However, the fastest bus takes under 4 hours to get to Vienna.

How much is a bus ticket from Prague to Vienna?

The cheapest bus ticket is $13, and the average price is about $22.
The best way to find cheap bus tickets is to book your tickets in advance, as prices usually increase when it reaches your travel date. 

When is the first and last bus depart from Prague to Vienna?

The first bus leaves the station just after midnight, while the last departs at 11:45 pm. There are several buses daily, so you don’t have to worry about your schedule.

Where are the bus departure and arrival stations?

The buses depart from Florenc and arrive at Erdberg, Stadion Center, Flughafen / Airport (VIE).

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