Bangkok to Pattaya Thailand: Transport Guide

Pattaya is a coastal city less than 165km from Bangkok, so most travelers often combine these two places on the same trip.

In this travel guide, you’ll find useful information about traveling from Bangkok to Pattaya by bus, van, and taxi, including timetable, ticket prices, and tips.

traveling from Bangkok to Pattaya Thailand

Bangkok to Pattaya: Overview

The distance between Bangkok and Pattaya is about 165 km (102.5 miles) to the Southeast, and you can easily travel between the two cities by bus, van, and taxi. Travel time is about 2 to 3 hours, depending on the vehicle type.

If you travel on a budget, it’s best to take a bus or van to Pattaya as the ticket costs about $5. A taxi ride is convenient – expect to pay about $37 for your trip.

Bus/ Van2 hours$4 (€4)Check bus
Taxi1.5 hours$40 (€37)Check taxi
Tour1 day$75 (€69)Check availability
Travel options from Bangkok to Pattaya.

Travel tips

Bangkok to Pattaya Bus

Traveling by bus or van is an excellent option to get from Bangkok to Pattaya.

Roong Reuang Coach, T Tour, Tawanok Tour, and 12go offer daily services to Pattaya, taking about 2 to 3 hours. These buses are quite clean and fully air-conditioned.

On average, there are buses every half an hour or an hour from 5:30 am to 9 pm daily.

The ticket price is about $4 (€4) to $7 (€6). Please come at least 30 minutes before departure for check-in procedures.

I usually prefer taking a 12go van when traveling in Thailand. Their service is excellent, and the driver is friendly and professional.

Traveling from Bangkok to Pattaya by bus in Thailand.
Traveling by bus to Pattaya is a convenient option.
Bus info
Journey time2 hours
Price$4 (€4)
Distance165 km (102.5 miles)
Frequency46 buses per day
First bus5:00 am
Last bus9:00 pm
Departure stationBangkok
Arrival stationPattaya
OperatorsRoong Reuang Coach, Bell Travel, 12go
Bus information from Bangkok to Pattaya.
Roong Reuang Coach5:007:30Check ticket
Roong Reuang Coach8:0010:30Check ticket
Bell Travel12:3014:30Check ticket
Bus schedule from Bangkok to Pattaya. You can check more bus schedules here

How long is the bus from Bangkok to Pattaya?

The bus to Pattaya takes about 2 to 3 hours, depending on your locations and bus providers. Please note that the travel time depends on the traffic situation. You should be at the departure point at least 30 minutes before departure for check-in procedures.

How much is the bus ticket from Bangkok to Pattaya?

The bus ticket to Pattaya costs about $4 (€4). Please note that prices may change on weekends and national holidays.

Where are the departure and arrival stations?

Buses leave from multiple locations in Bangkok (Ekkamai, Mochit, and Suvarnabhumi Airport) and arrive at Jomtien Bus station or Pattaya Bus Station in Pattaya. Depending on your hotel location, you can buy suitable tickets.

When is the first and last bus depart from Bangkok?

The first bus departs at 5:00 am, while the last leaves at 9:00 pm. For the latest schedule, please check here.

Bangkok to Pattaya taxi

Traveling from Bangkok to Pattaya by taxi is a much more convenient and hassle-free option. It’s great if you travel in a group of more than three people, with kids, the elderly or with a lot of luggage.

You can also be flexible and plan your time better when taking a taxi. If departing at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, there will be a taxi area on the 1st floor of Gate 3.

You can book a private transfer between Bangkok and Pattaya as well. This option allows you to select your car models and enjoy a convenient journey. Also, it is available 24 hours a day, perfect if you’re traveling early in the morning or late at night.

How to travel back from Pattaya to Bangkok?

You can take a bus, van, or taxi from Pattaya to Bangkok.

However, I recommend buying both the return and return tickets to ensure the sightseeing schedule and save costs.

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