Mai Chau to Ninh Binh Vietnam: Transport Guide

If you’re planning to travel from Mai Chau to Ninh Binh, you’re in luck! As someone who has traveled between these two cities, I can tell you that it’s a beautiful journey with plenty of options for transportation.

In this transportation guide, I’ll share my personal experience, tips, and information about the available options for getting from Mai Chau to Ninh Binh.

Mai Chau to Ninh Binh: Overview

The distance between Mai Chau and Ninh Binh is about 133 km (83 miles), and you can easily travel between the two cities by bus, motorbike, and car.

If you’re looking for a comfortable option, traveling by bus is a great choice. However, if you’re feeling adventurous and want to explore the scenic route, riding a motorbike is an excellent option.

Bus3 hours$14 (€14)Check tickets
Bike/ Car3 hours
Travel options from Mai Chau to Ninh Binh.

Mai Chau to Ninh Binh bus

Traveling by bus is the most popular way to get from Mai Chau to Ninh Binh. The journey takes about 3 hours, and there are a few buses per day. I took Techbus, and the trip was pleasant.

The ticket price for the bus from Mai Chau to Ninh Binh starts at $14 (€14), and you can buy your tickets online. I recommend booking your tickets in advance, especially during peak seasons, as seats can sell out quickly.

During the journey, there may be a toilet and food breaks on the way, and the travel time could be slightly longer due to traffic time. The bus ride is relatively comfortable, and the seats are spacious and air-conditioned, so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way.

Bus info
Journey time3 hours
Price$14 (€14)
Distance133 km (83 miles)
Frequency9 buses per day
First bus08:00 am
Last bus09:00 am
Departure stationMai Chau
Arrival stationNinh Binh
OperatorsGrouptour, Techbus
Bus information from Mai Chau to Ninh Binh.
Grouptour08:0011:40Check tickets
Techbus08:3011:20Check tickets
Techbus09:0012:20Check tickets
Bus schedule from Mai Chau to Ninh Binh. You can check more bus schedules here

How long is the bus from Mai Chau to Ninh Binh?

The bus to Ninh Binh takes about 3 hours, depending on your departure location. Please note that the travel time could be slightly longer due to traffic time. There may be a toilet and food breaks on the way.

How much is the bus ticket from Mai Chau to Ninh Binh?

The bus ticket to Ninh Binh costs about $14 (€14). Please note that prices may change on weekends and national holidays.

Where are the departure and arrival stations?

Buses leave from Mai Chau and arrive at Ninh Binh. Please come at least 30 minutes before departure for check-in procedures.

When is the first and last bus departing from Mai Chau?

The first bus departs at 8:00 am, while the last leaves at 9:00 am. For the latest schedule, please check here.

Mai Chau to Ninh Binh by motorbike

If you’re looking for a more adventurous way to travel to Ninh Binh, renting a motorbike or a car is an excellent option. The journey takes about 3 hours, but the travel time may vary depending on your driving skills and the stops you make along the way.

Before you hit the road, make sure to check the weather conditions and traffic situation, especially if you’re traveling during the rainy season. The roads can be slippery, and there may be landslides or floods, so it’s essential to take precautions and wear protective gear.

If you’re renting a motorbike or a car, make sure to have a valid driving license and insurance. Also, it’s advisable to check the rental agreement and terms and conditions carefully to avoid any misunderstandings or additional fees.

Tips for Traveling from Mai Chau to Ninh Binh

  • If you’re traveling by bus, I recommend booking your tickets in advance, especially during peak seasons.
  • Bring some snacks and water for the journey, as there may be limited options for food and drinks on the way.
  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes, as the journey can be long and tiring.
  • If you’re traveling by motorbike or car, make sure to take breaks and rest along the way. Also, it’s essential to follow traffic rules and regulations and drive carefully.

My thoughts

Getting from Mai Chau to Ninh Binh is a pleasant experience with plenty of options for transportation. Whether you choose to travel by bus, motorbike, or car, you’ll be able to enjoy the beautiful countryside of Vietnam.

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