Copenhagen to Amsterdam: Transport Guide

With its photogenic canals and spectacular architecture, Amsterdam is a lovely destination after your trip to Copenhagen.

In this travel guide, you’ll find useful information about traveling from Copenhagen to Amsterdam by flight, train, and bus, including timetable, ticket prices, and tips.

Copenhagen to Amsterdam: Overview

The distance between Copenhagen and Amsterdam is about 385 miles (620 km), and you can easily travel between the two cities by flight, train, bus, and car.

Flying is the fastest option to travel to Amsterdam, at just 1 hour 25 minutes. Meanwhile, traveling by train takes about 11 hours 30 minutes and takes at least 12 hours by bus.

Flight1h25m$46 (€38)Check flight tickets
Train11h30m$46 (€38)Check train tickets
Bus12h15m$47 (€39)Check bus tickets
Travel options from Copenhagen to Amsterdam.

Copenhagen to Amsterdam flight

Flying is the fastest way to travel from Copenhagen to Amsterdam

EasyJet, Norwegian Air, SAS, and KLM offer direct flights from Copenhagen to Amsterdam, and the journey takes about 1.5 hours. 

Planes frequently depart from Copenhagen Airport (CPH) and arrive at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS). You can take a train directly from Schiphol station to Amsterdam (14 minutes). Buses are also available.

I always use Skyscanner to find cheap flights and get the best deals.

KLM6:00 am7:25 amCheck tickets
KLM9:55 am11:20 amCheck tickets
KLM12:25 pm1:50 pmCheck tickets
Norwegian2:55 pm4:25 pmCheck tickets
SAS3:25 pm4:50 pmCheck tickets
Train schedule from Copenhagen to Amsterdam. You can check more train schedules here. 

Copenhagen to Amsterdam train

If you’re not in a hurry and travel on a budget, taking a train from Copenhagen to Amsterdam is a good choice. Prices start as low as $46 (€38), and you can get a good deal if you book in advance.

DB offers several trains per day from Copenhagen to Amsterdam, and the journey takes about 11.5 hours to 17 hours, depending on the schedule. Please note that there’s no direct train for this route.

Train info
Journey timeFrom 11h30m
Price$46 (€38)
Distance385 miles (620 km)
Frequency23 trains per day
First train1:01 am
Last train6:56 pm
Departure stationCopenhagen
Arrival stationAmsterdam-Centraal
Changes2 changes
Train information from Copenhagen to Amsterdam.
DB7:26 am7:00 pmBook tickets
DB8:29 am9:00 pmBook tickets
DB8:56 am9:00 pmBook tickets
DB11:26 am11:00 pmBook tickets
DB12:29 pm1:01 amBook tickets
DB12:56 pm1:44 amBook tickets
DB3:26 pm8:30 pmBook tickets
Train schedule from Copenhagen to Amsterdam. You can check more train schedules here.
amsterdam central station netherlands.
Amsterdam Centraal Station.

How long is the train from Copenhagen to Amsterdam?

The train takes about 11.5 hours to reach Amsterdam. However, the afternoon/ evening trains take longer (~16 hours on average). Also, the travel time may be longer on weekends and holidays.

How much is the train ticket from Copenhagen to Amsterdam?

If you book in advance, train ticket prices start from $46 (€38). The train prices change depending on the dates and routes and are usually very high if you book on the same day.

Where are the departure and arrival stations?

All trains leave Copenhagen station and arrive at Amsterdam Central Station. From Amsterdam Central Station, you can easily visit the city’s famous landmarks.

When is the first and last train depart from Copenhagen to Amsterdam?

The first train leaves Copenhagen at 1:01 am, and the last one departs at 6:56 pm. You can check the latest schedules here.

Is there a direct train from Copenhagen to Amsterdam?

No, there’s no direct train from Copenhagen to Amsterdam. It will require at least 2 changes.

Copenhagen to Amsterdam bus

Taking a bus is another option to travel from Copenhagen to Amsterdam. Flixbus offers bus services for this route, and the travel time is 12 hours 15 minutes.

Bus info
Journey time12h15m
Price$47 (€39)
Distance385 miles (620 km)
Frequency2 buses per day
First bus9:20 pm
Last bus
Departure stationKøbenhavn Central Bus Station
Arrival stationAmsterdam Sloterdijk
Bus information from Copenhagen to Amsterdam.
Flixbus5:40 am7:50 pmBook tickets
Flixbus6:10 am7:50 pmBook tickets
Flixbus9:20 am9:35 pmBook tickets
Flixbus9:20 am10:10 pmBook tickets
Bus schedule from Copenhagen to Amsterdam. You can check more bus schedules here

How long is the bus from Copenhagen to Amsterdam?

Flixbus offers frequent bus services from Copenhagen to Amsterdam, taking about 12 hours and 15 minutes.

How much is the bus ticket from Copenhagen to Amsterdam?

The bus tickets cost about $47 (€39) on average. The ticket prices may change depending on the dates and routes.

Where are the departure and arrival stations?

Buses depart from København Central Bus Station and arrive at  Amsterdam Sloterdijk.

When is the first and last bus depart from Copenhagen to Amsterdam?

The bus leaves at 9:25 pm and arrives in Amsterdam the next day.

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