Sapa to Hanoi Vietnam: Transport Guide

In this transportation guide, you’ll find useful information about traveling from Sapa to Hanoi by bus and taxi, including timetables, ticket prices, and tips.

Sapa to Hanoi Vietnam.

Sapa to Hanoi: Overview

The distance between Sapa and Hanoi is about 315 km (196 miles), and you can easily travel between the two cities by bus and taxi.

If you travel on a budget, it’s better to take a bus to Hanoi as the ticket costs about $15 (€14). A taxi ride is more expensive – expect to pay about $100 (€95) for your trip.

Bus5 hours$15 (€14)Check tickets
Taxi4 hours$100 (€95)Check taxi
Travel options from Sapa to Hanoi.

Sapa to Hanoi bus

Traveling by bus is an excellent option to get from Sapa to Hanoi, Vietnam.

Grouptour, Techbus, and Ethnic offer frequent bus services to Hanoi, and the journey takes about 5 hours to 6 hours and 20 minutes. The ticket price starts at $15 (€14).

Please come at least 30 minutes before departure for check-in procedures.

Bus info
Journey time5 hours
Price$15 (€14)
Distance315 km (196 miles)
Frequency390+ buses per day
First bus0:00 am
Last bus10:30 pm
Departure stationSapa
Arrival stationHanoi
OperatorsGrouptour, Techbus, Ethnic
Bus information from Sapa to Hanoi.
Techbus5:3011:30Check tickets
Grouptour7:0013:00Check tickets
Ethnic9:5016:10Check tickets
Grouptour11:2517:20Check tickets
Grouptour13:2019:20Check tickets
Bus schedule from Sapa to Hanoi. You can check more bus schedules here

How long is the bus from Sapa to Hanoi?

The bus to Hanoi takes about 5 hours to 6 hours and 20 minutes.

How much is the bus ticket from Sapa to Hanoi?

The bus ticket to Hanoi costs about $15 (€14). Please note that prices may change on weekends and national holidays.

Where are the departure and arrival stations?

Buses leave from Hanoi office and arrive at Sapa office. For example, you can check it for the Green bus office addresses in Sapa and Hanoi.

When is the first and last bus depart from Sapa?

The first bus departs at 0:00 am, while the last leaves at 10:20 pm. For the latest schedule, please check here.

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