Hanoi to Da Nang Vietnam: Transport Guide

In this travel guide, you’ll find useful information about traveling from Hanoi to Da Nang by flight and train, including timetables, ticket prices, and tips.

Hanoi to Da Nang Overview

The distance between Hanoi and Da Nang is about 787 km (490 miles), and you can easily travel between the two cities by bus, train, and airplane.

Flying is the most convenient way to get to Da Nang. Taking a bus or a train is an alternative option if you’re on a budget; however, the travel time will be long.

Flight1 hour 15m$58 (€55)Check tickets
Train15 hours 48m$25 (€24)Check tickets
Bus12 hours$17 (€16)Check tickets
Travel options from Hanoi to Da Nang.

Travel tips

Hanoi to Da Nang flight

Flying is the fastest way to travel to Da Nang. 

Vietnam Airlines and VietJet offer direct flights from Hanoi to Da Nang. The journey takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes. 

The best time to visit Da Nang is from April to August. The weather is sunny and very convenient for sightseeing and outdoor activities. However, this is also the peak period, so airfares often increase and sell out quickly. Therefore, you should book tickets for at least one month to get good deals.

I usually use Skyscanner and 12go to find cheap flights and get the best deals.

Da Nang airport Vietnam.
Flight info
Journey time1 hour 15 mins
PriceFrom $58 (€55)
Distance605 km (377 miles)
Frequency50 flights per day
First flight5:50 am
Last flight9:15 pm
DepartureHanoi airport
ArrivalDa Nang airport
ChangesDirect flights available
OperatorsVietnam Airlines, VietJet
Flight information from Hanoi to Da Nang.
Vietjet06:2507:45Check tickets
Vietnam Airlines08:0509:35Check tickets
Vietnam Airlines08:4010:00Check tickets
Flight schedule from Hanoi to Da Nang. You can check more schedules here

How long is the flight from Hanoi to Da Nang?

The flight from Hanoi to Da Nang takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Please note that the flight time depends on many factors, such as weather conditions and the airline you choose. Airlines’ flight time also differs from 5 to 10 minutes.

How much is the flight ticket from Hanoi to Da Nang?

The flight tickets from Hanoi to Da Nang are from $58 to $105. If you book flight tickets in advance, you can get better deals.

Where are the departure and arrival airports?

Planes frequently depart from Hanoi International Airport (Phú Minh, Sóc Sơn, Hà Nội) and arrive at Da Nang International Airport (Nguyễn Văn Linh, Hòa Thuận Tây, Hải Châu, Đà Nẵng).

When is the first and last flight depart?

The first flight departs at 5:50 am, and the last flight leaves the airport at 9:15 pm. However, the schedule may change depending on the day and weather. You can check the latest schedules here.

Hanoi to Da Nang train

Traveling by train is another great option to get to Da Nang.

There are few delays, and it’s generally safer than buses and cars. Also, sitting in the cabin, you can see many beautiful landscapes and vibrant local lives along the way.

Vietnam Railways offers daily trains from Hanoi to Da Nang, which take from 15 hours and 48 minutes to 17 hours. Taking a night train may be better as you can sleep on board.

On this route, you can choose AC seats or a 6-berth or 4-berth cabin. Prices start from $25 (€24). You can also book a private train (Violet express & Laman Express) to get better services.

You should buy tickets early to secure the best seat, especially if you travel during the peak period (June to August).

Train info
Journey time15 hours 48 mins
PriceFrom $25 (€24)
Distance787 km (490 miles)
Frequency12 trains per day
First train6:10 am
Last train10:15 pm
Departure stationHanoi station
Arrival stationDa Nang station
ChangesDirect trains available
OperatorsVietnam Railways
Train information from Hanoi to Da Nang.
Vietnam Railways6:1023:13Check tickets
Vietnam Railways15:3008:26Check tickets
Vietnam Railways19:2011:25Check tickets
Vietnam Railways22:1013:41Check tickets
Train schedule from Hanoi to Da Nang. You can check more train schedules here

How long is the train from Hanoi to Da Nang?

The train from Hanoi to Da Nang takes 15 hours and 48 minutes to 17 hours, depending on the train. Please note that the schedule may change due to weather or unforeseen situations. You should be at the train station at least 30 minutes before departure.

How much is the train ticket from Hanoi to Da Nang?

Depending on your seat choices, the train ticket costs $25 (€24) to $73 (€72). Private trains such as Violet Express and Laman Express will have higher prices and better services. You should book your tickets in advance to secure the best seat and prices.

Where are the departure and arrival stations?

All trains depart from Hanoi railway station (120 Lê Duẩn, Văn Miếu, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội) and arrive at Da Nang railway station (791 Hải Phòng, Tam Thuận, Thanh Khê, Đà Nẵng). Both stations are in the city center, so traveling around is very convenient.

When is the first and last train depart?

The last train leaves the station at 6:10 am, and the last one departs at 9:10 pm. For the latest schedule, please check here.

Hanoi to Da Nang bus

Taking a bus is the cheapest option to Da Nang.

Grouptour offers daily sleeper buses from Hanoi to Da Nang, taking about 17 hours 30m. Please check my Vietnam sleeper bus for more tips.

Bus info
Journey time17 hours 30m
Price$17 (€16)
Distance787 km (490 miles)
Frequencymany buses per day
First bus4:00 pm
Last bus7:30 pm
Departure stationHanoi office
Arrival stationDa Nang office
OperatorsGrouptour, Tbus Hanoi office,…
Bus information from Hanoi to Da Nang.
Grouptour17:0010:30Check tickets
Grouptour17:1010:40Check tickets
Tbus Hanoi office17:3011:10Check tickets
Bus schedule from Hanoi to Da Nang. You can check more bus schedules here

How long is the bus from Hanoi to Da Nang?

The sleeper bus to Da Nang takes about 17.5 hours. There will be breaks for toilets and food stops along the way.

How much is the bus ticket from Hanoi to Da Nang?

The bus ticket from Hanoi to Da Nang costs about $17 (€16). Please note that prices may change on weekends and national holidays.

Where are the departure and arrival stations?

Grouptour buses depart from the Hanoi office (16 Hang Chinh Street, Hanoi, Vietnam) and arrive at the Da Nang office (1 Đức Lợi 2, Thuận Phước, Hải Châu, Đà Nẵng).
You should come to the departure station at least 30 before the schedule.

When is the first and last bus departing from Hanoi?

The first bus departs at 5:55 pm, and the last leaves the station at 6:30 pm.

Getting around Da Nang

You can easily explore Da Nang by car, bus, motorbike, or on foot.

I recommend booking a private car charter or renting a scooter to explore the city.

Scooter rental costs only $5 a day, so it’s a budget-friendly option. Also, Da Nang is a walkable city with little traffic, so walking around is ideal.

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