Ha Giang to Hanoi Vietnam: Transport Guide

I recently traveled from Ha Giang to Hanoi, and I’d like to share some tips and personal experiences to help you plan your trip.

Ha Giang to Hanoi: Overview

Getting from Ha Giang to Hanoi is relatively easy, with several transportation options available. The distance between the two cities is about 300 km (186 miles). You can choose to travel by bus or motorbike/car.

Bus6 hours$10 (€9)Check tickets
Bike/ Car8 – 10 hours
Travel options from Ha Giang to Hanoi.

Travel tips

Ha Giang to Hanoi bus

Traveling by bus is a great option to get from Ha Giang to Hanoi.

There are several bus companies that offer daily services from Ha Giang to Hanoi, such as Bang Phan, Daiichi Travel, and Techbus VN. The journey took about 6 hours, and the ticket price started at $12 (€12).

Some bus companies will pick you up from your hotel in Ha Giang, while others depart from their office. Buses arrive at My Dinh station or specific addresses depending on the companies. I chose to go with Techbus, and I was happy with my experience.

Read more: You can check my Vietnam sleeper bus travel for more tips.

A beautiful mountain pass in Ha Giang, Vietnam.
Bus info
Journey time6 hours
Price$10 (€9)
Distance300 km (186 miles)
Frequency200+ buses per day
First bus0:00 am
Last bus11:00 pm
Departure stationHa Giang
Arrival stationHanoi
Bus information from Ha Giang to Hanoi.
Techbus06:0012:00Check tickets
Techbus9:0015:00Check tickets
Techbus10:1518:15Check tickets
Bus schedule from Ha Giang to Hanoi. You can check more bus schedules here

How long is the bus from Ha Giang to Hanoi?

The bus to Hanoi takes about 6 to 7 hours. Please note that the travel time could be slightly longer due to traffic time. There may be toilet and food breaks on the way.

How much is the bus ticket from Ha Giang to Hanoi?

The bus ticket to Hanoi costs from $10 (€9). Please note that prices may change on weekends and national holidays.

Where are the departure and arrival stations?

Some bus companies will pick you up from your hotel in Ha Giang, or you can depart from their office. Buses arrive at My Dinh station or specific addresses depending on the companies.

When is the first and last bus departing from Ha Giang?

The first bus departs at midnight, while the last leaves at 11:00 pm. For the latest schedule, please check here. Please come at least 30 minutes before departure for check-in procedures.

Ha Giang to Hanoi by bike/ car

If you prefer to travel by motorbike or private car, it takes about 8 to 10 hours by motorbike and 7 to 8 hours by car.

There are two recommended routes you can take, both passing through several scenic destinations.

  • The first route: Ha Giang – Tuyen Quang – Phu Tho – Viet Tri – Vinh Phuc – Hanoi.
  • The second route: Ha Giang – Tuyen Quang – Doan Hung – Phu Tho – Phong Chau Bridge – Co Tiet – Trung Ha Bridge – Son Tay – Hanoi.

Don’t forget to check the forecast before starting the journey, and make sure to check your vehicle, wear protective gear, and pack a first aid kit with you.

Lastly, I recommend buying travel insurance for medical emergencies, trip cancellation, delays, and item losses. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, and having insurance can give you peace of mind during your trip.

I hope these tips help you plan your trip from Ha Giang to Hanoi!

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