Budapest to Vienna: Transport Guide

If you love classical music, Vienna is a perfect place to visit after your trip to Budapest.

In this travel guide, you’ll find useful information about traveling from Budapest to Vienna by train and bus, including timetable, ticket prices, and tips.

Getting from Budapest to Vienna: Overview

The distance between Budapest and Vienna is about 240 km (150 miles), and you can get to Vienna by bus, train, and car.

While it takes about 3 hours by bus, a train journey is shorter at 2 hours 40 minutes.

Train2 hours 40 minutesFrom €19Book train ticket
Bus3 hoursFrom €12Book bus ticket
Car2 hours 35 minutes – –
Travel options from Budapest to Vienna.

Travel tips

Budapest to Vienna by train

One of the most comfortable ways to travel to Vienna is by train. 

Austria’s ÖBB offers daily trains from Budapest to Vienna, taking about 2 hours 40 minutes. The ticket starts from $11(€9) if you book in advance.

Note: You must print the ticket before departure for Deutsche Bahn.

Train info
Journey timeFrom 2h 40m
Price$11 (€9)
Distance214 km (133 miles)
Frequency18 trains per day
First train05:40 am
Last train08:40 pm
Departure stationBudapest
Arrival stationVienna
OperatorsÖBB, RegioJet
Train information from Budapest to Vienna.
ÖBB5:40 am8:21 amBook tickets
ÖBB6:40 am9:18 amBook tickets
ÖBB7:40 am10:21 amBook tickets
RegioJet7:58 am10:32 amBook tickets
ÖBB8:40 am11:21 amBook tickets
ÖBB9:40 am12:21 pmBook tickets
ÖBB10:40 am1:21 pmBook tickets
Train schedule from Budapest to Vienna. You can check more train schedules here
train Budapest to Vienna.

How long is the train from Budapest to Vienna?

The journey takes about 2 hours and 40 minutes over a distance of around 214 km (133 miles).

How much is the train ticket from Budapest to Vienna?

The cheapest train ticket for this route is $11 (€9), but the average price of train tickets is $24 (€20). You should book your train tickets early to get the best price.

Where are the departure and arrival stations?

All trains leave Budapest Keleti and arrive at Vienna Central Station, conveniently located in the city center.

When is the first and last train depart from Budapest to Vienna?

The first direct train departs from Budapest Keleti station at 5:40 am, and the last leaves at 8:40 pm. Please check the latest schedule here.

Budapest to Vienna by bus

Taking a bus is also an excellent way to travel from Budapest to Vienna

FlixBus and RegioJet offer frequent buses to Vienna, taking approximately 3 hours.

The bus ticket costs about $13 (€12), depending on your choice.

Bus info
Journey time3 hours
Price$13 (€12)
Distance240 km (150 miles)
Frequency13 buses per day
First bus3 am
Last bus9:05 pm
Departure stationNépliget or Kelenföld vasútállomás Etele tér
Arrival stationVienna International Bus terminal
OperatorsFlixBus, RegioJet
Bus information from Budapest to Vienna.
FlixBus7:15 am10:10 amBook tickets
FlixBus12:45 pm3:50 pmBook tickets
FlixBus2:45 pm5:35 pmBook tickets
FlixBus9:15 pm12: 20 amBook tickets
Bus schedule from Budapest to Vienna. You can check more bus schedules here

How long is the bus from Budapest to Vienna?

FlixBus and RegioJet offer daily service to Vienna, and the journey takes about 3 hours. Please note that the bus travel schedule depends on specific dates or weekends and holidays.

How much is the bus ticket from Budapest to Vienna?

The ticket costs about $13 (€12) on average.

Where are the departure and arrival stations?

Buses leave from Népliget or Kelenföld vasútállomás Etele tér station and arrive at Vienna International Bus terminal.

When is the first and last bus depart from Budapest to Vienna?

The first bus leaves Budapest at 3 am, while the last departs around 9 pm.

Getting around Vienna

The best way to get around Vienna is by public transport.

The system includes U-Bahn (subway), Schnellbahn or S-Bahn (local train), Straßenbahn (tram) and Autobus (bus).

While there’re no ticket barriers at the station and no formal ticket check, you still should buy tickets.

You should get Vienna City Card for unlimited use of public transport in downtown Vienna.

Best things to do in Vienna

There are plenty of things to do and see in Vienna. Here are my favorite activities:

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